Thursday, May 2, 2013

Neulasta No More!

Rejoice, today is my very last Neulasta shot! I'm feeling decent after chemo yesterday. Standard immediate side effects... no taste buds, upset stomach, overall fatigue. I've also oddly lost some hearing. If my lessons from previous rounds holds true, everything will hit me more drastically in a few hours.

After today I won't have to make this drive for another 4 weeks. When I do come back for my post chemo follow-up, I will learn some tips on how to stay healthy to avoid recurrence. I'll also get my next phase of treatment which is a pill called Tamoxifen. Tamoxifen is a hormone receptor who's job is to block any rogue cancer cells from growing in the chance Chemo didn't kill all of them. I'll be on this for 10 years unless new research comes out which can cure this disease all together.

To celebrate my last Neulasta, I've pulled out my new purple wig. I haven't named her yet, I'm open to suggestions!

Enjoy the beautiful weather today for those in California. It's gorgeous outside, don't forget to smell those beautiful roses!

1 comment:

  1. Awh you have been on my mind for weeks now.
    I am so happy that you are finally at the final leg of the chemo and shots.
    You are amazing Nicole!
    I miss seeing your face at group and you are missed. Last week was a hard week. 4 new ladies joined the group. All having a battle on their hands.
    You are a little warrior and I pray for you all the time.
    Please let me know if I can do anything for you and Jon and the doggies
    Kimmie from Group!
