Friday, January 18, 2013

Negative nodes

A brief post as I'm a bit weak and sore, but I wanted to share and celebrate with you another victory in my journey. The pathology report came back and my lymph nodes are free of cancer!!!! Yay (I'm attempting a victory dance in my bed which looks more like a worm-like wiggle)! The other crazy news is they found some atypical cells in my right breast. So although I was always at peace with my decision to get a double M, I have been reassured of my decisions. I am so relieved I made that choice. It would have been devastating to go through this again in 5-7 years. I am damn proud of the decision I made, despite questions, inquiring looks and doubts from many in the medical field. Please give thanks to all the positive juju you sent my way, and raise a glass to this one little victory and to many more to come.


  1. This is great news!!!!I am so glad everything went well! Nikki, you are such a strong woman! Way to go! I will also have to HIGHLIGHT that doing this blog was such a smart decission!It's pretty amazing that I get to know about you every single day from MADRID! I keep you in my prayers and thoughts all the time. Love you!Keep being like this! YOU ROCK!!!!!

  2. This is wonderful news! So happy to read this. Thinking nothing but the most positive thoughts for you Nicole!

    1. BTW-this is Jody Salamirad. xoxo
